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Anecdote about Development

Nihonbashi-bijin Tsukudani (salt-sweet preserves) and Furikake (seasoned dried condiments for sprinkling over rice)

Enchu Foods, a food-products company that thoroughly emphasizes the quality of materials, launched the supreme Tsukudani & Furikake Set. The company boasts of the selected materials that are cooked with delicious fermented seasonings by direct heating in an iron pot without using any chemical seasoning or additives. The people at the company concentrate on the Nihonbashi-bijin Tsukudani & Furikake saying, “People have begun to review their diet in the context of the current fitness boom, and so we provide products without compromise that contribute to a good diet.” Nihonbashi-bijin Egoma-Okaka Furikake not only uses the abundant domestic beefsteak plants (egoma) rich in α- linolenic acid, which is in the spotlight for its effect on lifestyle-related diseases, but also contains the fish collagen (okaka: dried bonito flakes), which keeps the skin clear. Nihonbashi-bijin Edomae Temuki-Asari uses carefully hand picked and seasoned asari clams, which rich in taurine and effective for combating anemia. Rich in vitamins and minerals, Nihonbashi-bijin Edomae Nama-Nori uses fresh laver (nama-nori), which was fully exposed to the sun to increase the amino acids and enhance the nice taste.

Ehchu Foods Inc.
Kakigara-cho 1-30-10, Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
[Sales Office] Koshigaya Plant TEL: 048-988-3710

Please purchase the products via the website as follows:
Sanchoku Umaimono Club www.sancyo.com

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